Monday, October 18

Taken From My Latest Book.

She slams the door.
"Do Not Disturb."
She doesn't want anyone in there.

"She'll be fine," her mother swears.
Her sister thinks she's gone insane.

What happened? What drugs was she on,
that let the whole world fly by?

Why hasn't she noticed that
No one notices her cries?

She is dead, dead inside.
Like the wind the other night.

Like the flowers that she has
Like the memories of all things had

Why doesn't she realise that
No one cares?

Why is she waitting
for someone to stare?

When will she realise
she's now alone.

In a world that's not her own.


Another empty paper
He hands it in
Avoids their eyes.
They don't know what happens.
They don't notice his lies.

His dreams of power
Gone down the drain
Who wants a leader like him?
We won't vote for a failure.
We won't vote for ourselves.


Am i new to them?
Fresh meat, or am I
Old news?

Boring as i find
The habitat, and
that occupy my
new life.


These are all small peices taken from my latest project, "....and this is why."

Sunday, October 17


It's dead. I walk through the woods, the trees.
They're dead. Not a green leaf remains.
The wind's dead. For a moment it is calm.
Then it blows again, dragging with it ghosts and memories.
We sat there, we stood there, we talked there, we fought there.
We kissed there, we laughed there, we fell there, we lived there.
And it's alive. Alive with memories.

It's dead. That place that once held so much life.
Would be alight with "lights" every night.
Would be the place that you'd find everyone.
Then the wind blows again, dragging with it ghosts and memories.
We sat there, we stood there, we talked there, we fought there.
We kissed there, we laughed there, we fell there, we lived there.
And it's alive. Alive with memories.

We walk home. It's cold and we're dead.
Dead and numb, with cold.
Cold is dead. Like the summer is dead to the Fall.
Then the wind blows again.
And it's alive. Alive with memories.

Wednesday, October 13

I used to live there. Can you imagine it? The sad part is, I can't anymore. I'm so used to things that have become normal, ex. Saint John. It's bad when i start saying, "It's not THAT bad." It IS that bad. Posted by Hello

Do you remember? I remember a lot about this day. We got the guys dressed up like girls and mike left without his sneakers so we tried to seel them. Jonathan tried to sell my painting. Everything i made i spent. I bought Brittany's pant's for like twenty dollars. It was such a good time and sometimes, even now, it leaves me wondering why we don't have them anymore. Posted by Hello


I swear to god. That's all this has become. bullshit, BullShit, BULLSHIT. I'm soooo tired of my bullshit life!!!!!!!! I'm sooo tired of people to aknowledge that I'm RIGHT THERE beside them!!!!! Come on people!!! All i'm asking is that you say hey, smile, nod, WHATEVER FLOATS YOUR BOAT. Can't you see i'm just starving out to be acknowldeged?!?!

Give me a show! seriously i mean if you read this shit and think it's not shit leave ur name! leave a comment! If you thik this isn't just another one of my wastes of time! I'm DYING here. I'm tired of the comments left by anonimouses. I'm tired of there Haters. SHOW ME SOME LOVE.

Wouldn't you want it?

I mean EVERYDAY i'm doing the same thing. I'm talking with the same people. I have the same classes. I come home and i do the same thing again. YOU ARE SO LUCKY, they don't even realise it. Yet i feel so alone. I have no one!! and the friends that i have now i feel like i'm not truely fit in with their crowd either. I'll never have those remeber whens. I used to not have them because i was moving so much but now i don't have them by choice. The one thing right now that would BLOW MY MIND would be just to have someone in my class that i could be like,"Remember when...." to. That would make MY LIFE.

I'm tired of this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So if you are too then show me!!!!!! Or I'm not writting ANYMORE.

If you disagree with the mean rude comments....then SAY SO!!!! nothing would make everything feel better then knowing i have people who don't think i'm "fake" or "unreal". I'm SOOO much more real then you will ever know.

I'm so much more then any one can see. But you'll all see it someday.

Tuesday, October 12

About Me.

First best friend: Jonathan Alvernaz in Teddy Town Preschool at age two.
First car: never had one yet…but I DID have a box once.
First crush: cj something or other in kindergarten. I pulled some girl's hair because she sat by him at story time.
First break-up: grade five on my birthday. I told him to get me something, so I got dumped.
First Self purchased album: spicegirls spiceworld. I remember because I was sooo darn happy!!
First pet: louis the kitten. I remember I stayed up till one in the morning thinking of an appropriate name for him. I was four.
First piercing/tattoo: My ears when I was two. The gun got stuck and they both got torn open.
First credit card: Never, but I had a cardboard one once!!!
First true love: I’ve thought I was in love many times but I never knew love until this moment.
First enemy: Alisha or something in grade two. She made fun of my rainbow striped pants. THEY WERE COOL!!! Baby spice had the same ones!
First musician you remember hearing in your house: Ozzy Osbourne for my whole life. It was my lullibyes every night and my wakeup calls in the morning. It was my first concert.

Last cigarette: I had a colt a few weeks ago….does that count?!
Last car ride: Sunday. I was coming back from thanksgiving dinner in Grand Bay with my uncle. Last good cry: Saterday night on the phone with Natalie.
Last book i bought: A time to kill by John Grisham
Last movie seen: Without a Paddle (In theatres) The Girl Next Door (on dvd)
Last beverage drank: Orange juice
Last food consumed: Triple chocolate chip cookies
Last crush: Mat Edgecombe…(I’m still crushing)
Last phone call: Mat Edgecombe
Last time showered: This morning!!!! I’m very clean.
Last CD played: Mixed one with oldies.
Last annoyance: GYM CLASS:@!!!!!
Last disappointment: Thanksgiving.
Last word you said: FUCK!!! (forgot I had a test tomorrow:S)

Your career going to be? An Editor for a magazine or a photographer for one.
Where are you Going to live? Vancouver
Do you want any kids? Yes, I’d love to have AT LEAST four.

Current mood: Nervous
Current taste: Cookies?
Current clothes: Jeans and two t-shirts, and my little pig tails lol.
Current longing: sex….no….cheesecake. I think I’ll go get a piece!
Current book you're reading: The Brethren by John Grisham

What's in your CD player? Kanye West College Dropout
What color socks are you wearing? White. I’m a boring boring person.
What's under your bed? EVERYTHING. Maybe even some things that are alive too…
What time did you wake up today? SEVEN O’CLOCK!!! Im a good girl I got ready for school!

You've Always Got Me.

No matter what there will always be the lovers and the haters. The people who you can trust and those people you just can't. In life there's always going to be those ups and downs. But you've always got me.

Monday, October 11

A Page of my Diary.

(September 4th 2004)
..........I remember when mom and dad first split up, everytime i'd hear the jingle of keys in the hall, (the sound dad would make when he came home.) my heart would skip and i'd look towards the door for a while before i'd realize that dad didn't live there anymore.
Tonight as i was getting cereal and heard a jingle, a thought crossed my mind....
When did i stop listening for those keys???
When did i accept being fatherless? When did i get used to things?
I know i can't cry for something that's long gone, but is it ok to cry because i finally realized what has happened? Is it ok to cry when i call him and get no answer? Is it ok to cry when i'll i'm truely wanting from a guy, any guy,is an old spice scented fatherly hug?
Is it ok to cry when i stop thinking about how bad things used to be and only remember the good things?
Is it ok to cry when i see living with dad as an eligable option?
I wish i could cry...but tears like words, have been long spent.

Pages of my Diary.

..........I thought that this birthday was going to be so much better then last year because this year i have, "Friends" but i did last year too. We might not have been popular but a friend is someone who wants to spend time with you on your birthday. Just be around you and make sure you have the best day possible.
I guess we'll see if i have any friends today. I'm not calling anyone. They can call me.
Well i guess i'll have to make due with fourteen then..........

..........Today i realized something that was worth the time it took to realize. Things aren't always going to stay the same with us. We can wish, we can try, but we're all changing. I realized that if things could change so much this past year without me even noticing, without me even being able to see that the year is flying past then how are they ever going to stay the same in high school? That's right. They're not. So why am i decided by where everyone else is going? When have i ever wanted to do what everyone else is doing? Have i too changed this year?
I know i thought i would never change, but i did. I don't know if i like me or the person i've become.
"Love makes all things bearable." "A lost love is a soul lost forever."
Do i have any soul left???
I feel lost. Days drag by. I wander about looking for someone to love me. But loves hard to find in grade eight. Even when you're fourteen.

Saturday, October 9

My Boring Day...And Entry.

So i was going back through some of my more recent posts and noticed that i've been mostly writting lately about boring things that have no real attachment to my life. Someone once said (regarding my blogg) "you say everything so true and down to earth and it makes people think."

Well, i doubt that people have been doing a lot of thinking with my latest posts, so i will try again.
(But first I will tell you about my day.)

Today has been uneventful except for the fact of going shopping. That makes everything a lot better from PMS to a bit of a "headache". I finally got this awesome coat in Pseudio that i've been eyeing for ages. I bet anything though that by about next week i will already have something on the white part. Isn't that just the way life always is?

The main event of my uneventful trip to the mall (which by the way i went to accompanied by my mom and sister because i am cool.) was running into my grandmother Gogan, my mother's real mother. We were walking and talking, nonchalantly, when i happened to look behind us and see her. I said to my mom that she was there and so mom marched right over to her and started talking. I think things like that make my mom the better person seeing all that her mother has done to her. Like putting her up for adoption and into a foster home so that she could be abused as a child or ignoring her completely all these years, never calling, never aknowledging her.

After a few mintues of hello's Nan asked mom how long we were at the mall for. Mom said quite a bit longer cus she wasn't finished shopping yet and so nan asked if she could take me and liss for a half an hour and then bring us back to meet mom there. Well no, she more like told my mom that.

I felt kind of awkward about that seeing as this lady never even sort of noticed that we exist, and i didn't want my mom to be all by herself walking around. She's very dependant on me. But then i thought, hey maybe i can work this to my advantage and use the old bat for something.

So...i went with her and casually mentioned this sweater i wanted in American Eagle, and before long i had her in there and i was trying on sizes. (I ended up getting it too.)

And when we were all done we went back to that spot again to meet up with mom, i noticed right away that something wasn't right. Nan showed mom what she had bought us and then said that she had to leave. Before she left she made sure to add, "And don't think about wearing thier clothes Mary..." I think that was meant in a joking way but even i thought it was rude.

I sat down beside mom and said with my kind part of my heart, "Well wasn't that nice?"

Friday, October 8

My Rebirth. Hee hee that sounds churchy!!

Well today in sceince i decided that when i'm older and of course CRAZY rich I'm going to be a plastice surgeon and recreate myself.
But this will not be any ORDINARY recreation. Oh no. I will be cloning certain bodyparts of certain people and permanently attaching them to myself.
My List:
1. I will remove my nose and attach R.Z.'s because it is cute and bunny like.
2. I will clinically remove ALL my hair and attach all of J's strand by strand. (I love the oclor and the length and everything about it!)
3. I will chop of my middle area and attach B's because it is flat and tanned and PERFECT!
4. I will stretch out my legs. so i will be taller.
5. i will change my eyes to brown and make them bigger.
(My list could go on and on but i'm going to end it now.)
Anyhow if you haven't noticed i'm not happy with myslef. But i guess no one is. But some people are just soo perfect!!!! it's not fair!!! was god on a break when he was supposed to be making me?!?!?!?

Thursday, October 7

My Big News And Mouth.

Well....Here it is. After like my WHOLE life of waitting, my big break. To go out into the world and make my name known. And i think i might have made one LITTLE mistake.
See, when i sent my manuscript off to all these different publishing companies, i sort of forgot to write down which ones i did and like keep track of it all seeing as i most likely didn't see any chance of them writting me back. But then Low and Behold!!!!!
Yesterday at around six when i was at my dad's house in Sussex chopping potatoes, i decided i was going to call my house and check my messages. When i called there was a message from a
Natalie something or other from some publishing company saying she had read the breif of my book and wnated to talk to me asap. I swear to god i almost shit my pants right then and there. I screamed so loud my dad came running out of the bathroom with a towel arpound his waist because he thought i'd cut myself or like been stabbed or something!!
So of course i called the toll-free longdistance number back right away but when i did i was a bit scared at first that maybe they wouldn't know who i was or i'd have to be all profesionall sounding and i mean i'm only thirteen or what if they said something like, "We only publish literature of more mature artists...."??? I'm mature!!!! But i am only fourteen. Well anyhow when i called it said to speak to Natalie press three so i did and when she answered i said right away, "This is Katelyn Andrews, I'm calling because..." and she didn't even let me finish!!! she was like, "Oh hi katelyn!!! i was hoping you'd give us a call back! i just got done reading the manuscript...blah blah blah.....very interseting this all real or fictional? Milldigeville a real place?......blah blah.....are these people fact or fiction? are we going to have to copy right any of this?.....blah blah...if everything works out according we'd love to have your book on shelves by christmas...blah...blah.....send you a pamphlet in the mail.....blah...blah....postal code? for another talk friday afternoon.....blah...blah....blah. (that's all i can remember!)
So anyhow i got off the phone almost crying!!!! see the awful thing is, After i sent all those manuscripts out, both email and actual ones, i can't seem to find my saved copy on my computer ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!! damn it!!!!! i mean that's rough cus like now i want to do editing and read over some more i mean i havent even read the story in a while!!!! how do i know this is my best work?!?!?!
God i'm freaking out here. I've been freaking!!!!
Anyhoo here is some shit that happened today that was quite amusing;
1.In gym we finally noticed that there is a humoungoulsy huge chick in our class!!! omg she is sooooo fat the gym floor was shaking!!! Emilee said maybe when she gets weighed they have to use like a meat scale and then we said a whole bunch of mean/funny stuff. It's hard NOT to laugh at her!!!!!
2. Then she tried to hit the volleyball over the net and it came back and SMOKED her in the face.
3.Tori arrived in science class late this afternoon because she had used her lunch hour to get her legs waxed. She got her mom to write her a note saying she had an appointment!!!(note to self...not bad idea!!)
meh i think that's it for today...shitty i thought there was more,
But here is some stuff that i can SEE happening tomorrow!!!!
1. Mat will get extremely drunk at the game and puke everywhere.
2. we will get hit by cars walking home,
3. we'll most likely get lost walking home,
4. SOMEONE will end up doing SOMETHING with SOMEONE. (then it will be all over everywhere)
5. I'll get caught as always.
6. Someone will call the cops.
7. people will mooch off us!!!:@ grrrr
8. But it will still be a kick ass time!!!!!
Man i'm right excited!!!!!!!! yay:) lol
I dont even know why im writting any of this anymore lmao it was just fun.

Wednesday, October 6

Yes, That's Right. I Overdosed On Birth Control.

Is that even POSSIBLE?! Seriously, I've got to wonder what Jessy was thinking! i mean i leave school to go home because i felt sick and she tells everyne it's because i took like fifty birth control pills!! which it wasn't!!
I (for a matter of fact) just hadn't eaten in two days!
Come on People! Get ur stories straight!!

Meh. If people are going to gossip about me i might as well add some fuel to the fire.
Yes, I'm anorexic and one day i hope to look just like mary kate Olsen. Or Michael Jackson. Whichever comes first.

Isn't that just nice. Making fun of the poor obese chick!!!!

wow. so much rage and .........randomnous. Maybe i need a shrink.

Tuesday, October 5

New Pep-Up:)

My color of life needing some pepping up:) Well here it is.
Today was blah....blah....blah!!!!!!!!
But i got some new readers!!!:) my fans, couldn't do it without you!!(ahahaha gay award winning speech)
Just wish i knew how to download that damn visitor counter!! :@

Obese at Heart.

Alright FINE!

Im only putting in songs for entries because i have a writter's block. YES THAT'S RIGHT...A WRITTER'S BLOCK!!!

I don't know what to write about anymore. I usually had some right good rants when i was mad or little love poems when i was happy but lately im nither. Im nothing....IM A FUCKING BLOB!!

I'm serious. I came home today and here is what i've done so far. ( telling the absolute truth and ive been home since ten thirty)

1. came in turned the computer on

2. went to the bathroom

3.ate granola bar, then cherry turnovers, then instant breakfast.

4. went online and then all that broing shit that happens online.

5. made bean burritos.

6. online.

7. ate frozen orange juice straight out of the can! (oh you devil you!)

8. subscribed to some cheesy writter's journal.

9. wrote on my blogg.

Now if you haven't noticed about 99.9% of that has to do with....dun..dun..dun FOOD!!!!! MAN i swear to GOD if i didn't have such an amazing matabalism i'd be the next friggin Rosie O'donell. Is it possible to be obese at heart? I think that's what i am.

One day this is going to take a toll and they're going to have to amputate my limbs to stop me from moving and then make a hole in my stomache so i can't eat anymore and take me to the hospital for purging before they announce that i am a waste of a human being and throw my mutilated carcus to the dogs.

The dogs won't mind either. I've seen them eyeing me already!!! They can see right through to my heart of lard. Blah....My mouth tastes funny.

Anyhooo that was my rant about being obese.

This Song Applies to Anyone Who Has Ever Loved.(yet another song i found that i liked the lyrics too)

Crashed on the floor when I moved in
This little bunk alone with some strange new friends
Stay up too late, and I'm too thin
We promise each other it's til the end
Now we're spinning empty bottles
It's the five of us
With pretty eyed boys girls die to trust
I can't resist the day
No, I can't resist the day

Jenny screams out and it's no pose
'Cause when she dances she goes and goes
Beer through the nose on an inside joke
I'm so excited, I haven't spoken
And she's so pretty, and she's so sure
Maybe I'm more clever than a girl like her
The summer's all in bloom
The summer is ending soon

It's alright and it's nice not to be so alone
But I hold on to your secrets in white houses

Maybe I'm a little bit over my head
I come undone at the things he said
And he's so funny in his bright red shirt
We were all in love and we all got hurt
I sneak into his car's black leather seat
The smell of gasoline in the summer heat
Boy, we're going way too fast
It's all too sweet to last

It's alright
And I put myself in his hands
But I hold on to your secrets in white houses
Love, or something ignites in my veins
And I pray it never fades in white houses

My first time, hard to explain
Rush of blood, oh, and a little bit of pain
On a cloudy day, it's more common than you think
He's my first mistake

Maybe you were all faster than me
We gave each other up so easily
These silly little wounds will never mend
I feel so far from where I've been
So I go, and I will not be back here again
I'm gone as the day is fading on white houses
I lie, put my injuries all in the dust
In my heart is the five of us
In white houses

And you, maybe you'll remember me
What I gave is yours to keep
In white houses
In white houses
In white houses
You can't say you just read that and didn't think one little part applied to you.

Vanessa Carlton-White Houses.
When i first heard this song i hated in instantly because i thought it was hillary duff, but now that i know it isn't it's my new favourite one!

Love Song

I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
While you're far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Every moment spent with you is a moment I treasure

I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing

Lying close to you feeling your heart beating
And I'm wondering what you're dreaming
Wondering if it's me you're seeing
Then I kiss your eyes and thank God we're together
And I just wanna stay with you
In this moment forever, forever and ever

I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing

I don't wanna miss one smile
I don't wanna miss one kiss
Well, I just wanna be with you
Right here with you, just like this
I just wanna hold you close
Feel your heart so close to mine
And stay here in this moment
For all the rest of time

Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
Cause I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing

I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
Cause I'd miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do
I'd still miss you, baby
And I don't wanna miss a thing

Don't wanna close my eyes
Don't wanna fall asleep, yeah
I don't wanna miss a thing

I bet everyone in this whole world has someone they could sing this song about.

I bet

Yes, that's right. Today I am sick, so i shall spend the day wastefully galavanting the internet in my pajamas and eating beef and bean burritos i found in my freezer.
And reminiscing. Not the best thing to do right now.
But no matter what
file://everyone .

Sunday, October 3

Do You Ever...

Do you ever wake up screaming when you know it wasn't real?
Do you ever wish that somehow you could have that one last meal?
Have you ever hoped that one day that star for you would shine?
Have you ever looked at a guy and said, "Damn, wish he were mine."
Could you ever leave the one you love for someone who loves you?
Could you ever walk a thousand miles wearing only just one shoe?
Did you ever do something awful that you knew just wasn't right?
Did you ever say something mean that started a lasting fight?
Would you ever say, "I'm sorry." when you knew it wasn't you?
Would you ever say, "I love you." If you knew it wasn't true?

Some questions may go unanswered.
Some questions may seem obscene.
Some may be thoughtful, And some may be mean.
But these are ones that need be answered.
That look into your soul.
So go ahead and respond.
Tell the truth whatever it may be.
Cus what we need in life in answers.
And the truth will set us free.

Saturday, October 2

School Yearbook

Hey Kat. Wow! It's been crazy but fun. I can't think about how different it would be without you! 6 chicks for life. lylas Jen
Katelyn, I hope you have a really fun summer. Good luck in Saint John High, Maybe i might call you. Todd
Have a great summer Kat! Your pal Tim
Hey kat! Hope your summer kicks ass! u gotta call me! luv ya hunnie! Maria
Hey what's up Kat? Have a super awesome summer! Love Larry Cyah in High School!
Hey Kat! Great times we have had! Have an awesome summer and i'll see you later! love you lots Lindsay
Hey Katelyn. Have fun in High School from Bria.
Hey Katylane! Have a great summer Love Brent.
Hey Katelyn! Talk to Todd. You owe me for them thongs. Have a kick ass summer. see ya in grade nine!!!!!!!!!!! Levi.
Hey Kat. Umm well we didn't talk much but you're cool! Thanks for letting me play with your makeup lol C-you next year. Katie
Have a great summer. enjoy high school. Mr. C.
Yo Katelyn you know you crazy. Don't forget smoking tea bags isn't cool see ya later. Jeff
Hey Katelyn have a good ....AH! the pen is dying!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dylan
Hey this is Jason have a good summer.
Hay it's Pat. I love you
Hey Katelyn, I'll miss you so much next year! Hope you have an awesome summer + an even greater time in high school. Love ya! Eileen.
Hey Katelyn. We will miss you at PES. have a great summer and have an awesome time in high school! luv yah Kayla.
Hey Katelyn, Always remember "mange ca spandex man!" and "L'equipe de Bonheur." P.S. lucky jason !!&the eraser! Meghan.
Hey Kate, have a great summer we need to hangout. and Mike. It's been a great year being in your class, it was amazing. I'm gonna miss you like crazy next year kid, family reunions! love ya lots! your homie biatch!! Peace lylas. Natalie
Hay Katelyn, Had a sweet time on the "strip" playing spot the bum! I can't beleive me and Tim tied!! Shrek
Hey kat! I'm going to miss you so much! ur awesome! lol have fun in High School and i'll see ya around Milleville! LYLAS Chizzy.
Katelyn, Shred Betty, Snow Queen, for all the trouble that you create your not a bad kid, let the boys go thier own way and don't follow. Good luck next year. Good luck, Good Bye. I will miss your "Art Talents". Mr. Gray.
Hay wat's up see you in the summer K peace Corey.
Hey babe! We've hung out a few times in Milleville...Oh! And that one time in the girl's bathroom but that's about it! You gotta call me sometime Becca.
Hey katelyn! have a kick ass summer! i'm going to miss u lots! have an awesome yr in highschool without us! Jessica.
Hey Katielin Have a good summer man. I'll see you around kid. Peace out Trevor.
Hey Katelyn. We've had some great times since i've met you and we're definately gonna have a lot more next year. Love Jeremy.
Bye Katelyn I'll miss you. James.
Bye Katelyn, have a great summer and a fun time in high school. Hickey
Have fun in high school!!! Greg. Insane in the Ukraine!
Sean. have a good summer. see you in high school
Hey babe This past week has been amazing with you. I hope there will be more to come. Can't wait for sj high. Have a great summer. Love Mike
Bonjour Katelyn. Continue d'etre vrai avec toi-meme at avec les autres. Bonne chance au High School! M. Giroux
Hey kat! sup? nothing? Wow! later! Rob

Sign my yearbook. Leave a comment. Maybe they will cheer me up like these do.

Friday, October 1

Gooooooooood Morning Saints, And Here Are Your Morning Announcements!

This is what we hear every morning JUST as Mr. Little or Ms. Lawton start up into thier boring english routine. Then what follows is about five minutes of rambling from some voice in the wall and some well said announcements.
The morning announcements have become the first thing that feels home-like at stm. When i come into english i just know that at any moment that beep, beep, beep noise will start and i will hear his voice.
If only he'd use his power a bit more. If I had access to something that amazing i'd be making announcements more like this.

"Goooooooood morning Saints!!!! And here are your morning announcements!!
Today's tryouts for the coffee house have been cancelled due to the fact that Ms. Lawton is too busy fucking M. Garey.
The football team is having another game tonight at the Shams, so i want to see you all out there cheering in your red and white and maybe, just MAYBE we'll win again. Then that'll be the first time in EIGHTEEN years we've won two games in a row!!
Get Your Pink On went very succesful yesterday, as well as our assembly, which was made all the better by Miss Horgan's surprise visit, complete with a new haircut. Now, can we all agree that she looks like a man in a skirt?!?Come on!!!!! Brad could pass for more of a woman then she could.
CCM, would you please come to the office? A new carpet has arrived and we would like you to test it out.
And Mme. Vaughan, please would you let the world know what you are?!?! come on!!! make up your mind!!!
And those are your morning announcements, so until tomorrow's , keep being little Saints and GET UR PINK ON!!!!!!!!!

even thought it wouldn't be pink day anymore i'd still say that. It has a nice ring to it.

I think im in love with the morning announcemtns guy.......eghw

Get Ur Pink On!!!!!

Think Pink!
The pink panther aint got SHIT on STM today!!
CIBC'S run for the cure took over our halls today as we had "Pink Day". Everyone showed thier school spirit...and it was really nice to see.
Best Outfit Awards as Follows:
Kyle:For your pink button up shirt and pink hoodie worn underneath (which made you look just like an angelic little cupid) i give you a 4/10
Paul:For your fuchia pink long sleeved shirt and your pink pin striped skort...(borrowed from my cousin Jess) i give you a 5/10
Guiliano:For your hot pink knitted bikini top (complete with paper boobs) and pastel pink retro poodle skirt, (All worn over his actual clothes.) i give you 7/10.
Brad:For your tube top of a pink dress, hot pink mini skirt with pink flower and pink three quarter lenghted sleeved top, all with some flower behind your ears.......i give you 9.5/10 on the scale of how much of an idiot you looked like!!!!!
Oh god......guys, you never cease to make me laugh. keep it up:) you brighten my days.
Can't wait until i get those pics developped. Talk about black mail!!!!!!!