Thursday, October 7

My Big News And Mouth.

Well....Here it is. After like my WHOLE life of waitting, my big break. To go out into the world and make my name known. And i think i might have made one LITTLE mistake.
See, when i sent my manuscript off to all these different publishing companies, i sort of forgot to write down which ones i did and like keep track of it all seeing as i most likely didn't see any chance of them writting me back. But then Low and Behold!!!!!
Yesterday at around six when i was at my dad's house in Sussex chopping potatoes, i decided i was going to call my house and check my messages. When i called there was a message from a
Natalie something or other from some publishing company saying she had read the breif of my book and wnated to talk to me asap. I swear to god i almost shit my pants right then and there. I screamed so loud my dad came running out of the bathroom with a towel arpound his waist because he thought i'd cut myself or like been stabbed or something!!
So of course i called the toll-free longdistance number back right away but when i did i was a bit scared at first that maybe they wouldn't know who i was or i'd have to be all profesionall sounding and i mean i'm only thirteen or what if they said something like, "We only publish literature of more mature artists...."??? I'm mature!!!! But i am only fourteen. Well anyhow when i called it said to speak to Natalie press three so i did and when she answered i said right away, "This is Katelyn Andrews, I'm calling because..." and she didn't even let me finish!!! she was like, "Oh hi katelyn!!! i was hoping you'd give us a call back! i just got done reading the manuscript...blah blah blah.....very interseting this all real or fictional? Milldigeville a real place?......blah blah.....are these people fact or fiction? are we going to have to copy right any of this?.....blah blah...if everything works out according we'd love to have your book on shelves by christmas...blah...blah.....send you a pamphlet in the mail.....blah...blah....postal code? for another talk friday afternoon.....blah...blah....blah. (that's all i can remember!)
So anyhow i got off the phone almost crying!!!! see the awful thing is, After i sent all those manuscripts out, both email and actual ones, i can't seem to find my saved copy on my computer ANYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!! damn it!!!!! i mean that's rough cus like now i want to do editing and read over some more i mean i havent even read the story in a while!!!! how do i know this is my best work?!?!?!
God i'm freaking out here. I've been freaking!!!!
Anyhoo here is some shit that happened today that was quite amusing;
1.In gym we finally noticed that there is a humoungoulsy huge chick in our class!!! omg she is sooooo fat the gym floor was shaking!!! Emilee said maybe when she gets weighed they have to use like a meat scale and then we said a whole bunch of mean/funny stuff. It's hard NOT to laugh at her!!!!!
2. Then she tried to hit the volleyball over the net and it came back and SMOKED her in the face.
3.Tori arrived in science class late this afternoon because she had used her lunch hour to get her legs waxed. She got her mom to write her a note saying she had an appointment!!!(note to self...not bad idea!!)
meh i think that's it for today...shitty i thought there was more,
But here is some stuff that i can SEE happening tomorrow!!!!
1. Mat will get extremely drunk at the game and puke everywhere.
2. we will get hit by cars walking home,
3. we'll most likely get lost walking home,
4. SOMEONE will end up doing SOMETHING with SOMEONE. (then it will be all over everywhere)
5. I'll get caught as always.
6. Someone will call the cops.
7. people will mooch off us!!!:@ grrrr
8. But it will still be a kick ass time!!!!!
Man i'm right excited!!!!!!!! yay:) lol
I dont even know why im writting any of this anymore lmao it was just fun.


~J~ said...


k. said...

Thanks!! And btw Vincent's sort of like an online friend, we met on blogger but i guess ive talked to him more, so i will deifnately put in a word for you.

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