Wednesday, July 11

new camera

So I plan on buying a new camera with my next pay. I'm thinking of this nice Casio Exilim model in pink of coure, to match my cell phone. I'm not even one for pink usually but I like having everything match so I figured it's the logical choice.

Bubblegum :)

Anyway, I decided to shop around online to check and make sure I was getting the best price. I found it at Future shop for 146$, but thats a 20$ off sale that only lasts for two more days, and I'm not getting paid until next thursday. I then decided to check out ebay.

Now I'm somewhat new to this whole ebay thing. I've never actually used it myself but I've had some friends use it and come up with some pretty cool stuff. I guess I'm just like overly cautious because I'm scared I won't end up getting what I want or maybe just being ripped off completely and them taking my money and running. But, I found it on there for 194$, brand new. I just have to pay shipping and handling which is only like 20$ so eventually I will be saving a good 50$ or so.

I'm going to ask around and ask my mom about the whole ebay thing, and then I might very well scoop it up before someone else does :)


Somedays just start off so typically dull and dreary. I wake up and my entire room seems engulfed by the fog. Outside, dew clings to every blade of grass while the sky heaves it's heavy load of rain over our heads.

I hate rainy days. I hate the feeling you get when everything remains grey. It's like a heaviness, a sleepy blanket. I usually stay in bed long into the day. I don't get dressed, I don't clean up after myself, I don't do anything productive. Mostly, every rainy foggy day is a lazy day for me.

Today, the fog seems to close in around me. It clouds my mind into strange thinking and ponderings. Isn't that always the case?

It's summer. I anticipated clear blue skies and hot humid days. Sitting on the beach and watching my cares float away with the tide. This isn't how i imagined it. Nothing is it seems. Everything is always overrated and I find myself already wishing to be back in school. At least there I was doing something productive with myself day after day. I guess, things just never turn out the way you expect them to. People are never who you expect them to be.

I always leave this and end up returning. As much of a pain in the ass it is to keep up with, it just feels so natural to sit here and type away. I don't even care much if anyone reads what I have to say. Maybe it's best that way anyway. I'll just continue doing what I do and you continue how you like. Maybe now that all the hype over blogs have died down there won't be so much drama. I like that idea.

I tried the whole re-vamped thing. I designed and entire new blog and template, and honestly, I still like this the most. I like how people can go back and read past posts I have wrote. Some of them are actually worth reading.

Anyway. I can't promise anything. But I know how much I love the feeling of releasing everything onto this. That seems enough of a gaurentee that I'll be back to me.