Saturday, September 17


My new friend!

Isnt he just the cutest thing?
So this is my new pet, Wedding McFishter. He's a pretty cool guy, I have to say. He works parttime entertaining guests at Kale's dad's wedding, and this dude knows where it's at! You should see him boogy down, the sons got moves!

Last night was the wedding. It was quite the good time! Partying it up with Amy Bruce and Kale, and of course Wedding (who I'm not quite sure is a boy or a girl yet...) But, while we were having all of our fun.. we were missing out on the grand ole Western Themed Saint Macs dance! (which I heard was quite amazing too!)
So being the great friend and entertainer he is, Wedding decided to cheer me up a bit last night...


It worked! And of course, there's always the next dance! Weddings only happen every now and then!

So, now that I was feeling better about missing it, there was only one problem!

Wedding won't eat!

I'm sure he had a ton of wedding cake last night.. so he might just still be stuffed. But no matter what I give to him; tuna, spinach, broccoli, radish, corn on the cob, he doesn't seem to want to eat it!

Mmm des bananes!

Alright, so I wasn't actually feeding the poor thing all that stuff. I was feeding him Chinese Fighting Fish food. I figured if I start him out on a good diet now.. we will have him into heavyweight wrestling in no time!

(Or pilates, eh chantal! :)
So anyhow.. I'm just spending my day here with my cool friend Wedding. You Know, chilling and such. Pretty Kickass day if you ask me eh!

*Editors Note: Please someone help me... I 'm so bored I'm making up alter egos for my pets!

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