Thursday, July 21

Heaven's Not A Place That You Go When You Die, It's That Moment In Life When You Actually Feel Alive

So live for the moment.

And take this advice live by every word. Love's completely real so forget everything that you have heard.

You're only young once. You can only ever have one chance at making those important decisions. You can only give childhood a shot one time 'round.

So live for the moment.

We spend our weekdays waiting for the weekends. We spend our school-months waiting for summer. We spend our childhood years waiting for adulthood and we spend old-age waiting for death.

It's an unfair cycle isn't it? It almost seems a waste of time... Why try at anything? Why attempt to make friends, to do well in school?

You're only young once. Why waste it patiently awaiting the arrival of grown-up status? Why waste a precious moment of the life that will be too-soon robbed from you?

You can say what you want about me. And I know that you do. But in the end, one is measured by their accomplishments, and what you've thought of me along the way won't accumulate to much anything. If I waste my time, treading lightly so as not to upset others, I am merely wasting time. And opportunities.

These are supposed to be the best years of our lives. Why must we make it all so complicated? Why not simply act on what you feel, not what others would say?

All of you, get up today, go out and do something you've wanted to do. Something that you would regret not having been able to do on your dying bed. Life's full of opportunities and chances. Life's full of mistakes and regrets. Life's full of spilt second decisions.

Heaven's not a place that you go when you die, it's that moment in life when you actually feel alive.

Kiss that someone you've always thought was amazing. Tell someone how you truly see them. Break a rule. Stay out past curfew. Sneak out in the middle of the night. Smile more. Let your hair down. Sing at the top of your lungs out the window in your bikini, but please, don't waste any time in doing so.


Anonymous said...

Kat ur the best ever this is one of ur best blod posts and it means everythin thats true. u undertsand everything i say dont change i miss ya

sorry cant draw my camel on here lol

Anonymous said...

As always, you are wise beyond your years.

Looking back on the life I have I regret the following.

- Not ever having the snot beat out of me because for once in my life I thought with my heart and not my head.

- Traveling. Seeing the world through a different lense is one of the few ways we can truely be honest with ourselves.

- Never trying to ask a girl out even when I knew I was going to fail.

- Skinny Dipping. Running Naked through campus and basically making an ass of myself simply because it "seemed like a good idea at the time".

- Oh yeah, and sex. Of course.

Joe Nobody

Anonymous said...

Hey , wow i just checked out your blog for the first time and it really is awsome, when ever i hear things about you, sadly, they are never good, but i really dont think your the person alot of people say you are, i know things you`ve done are not always the best idea...but nobodys perfect, even thought alot of people think they are pretty damn close to it, i just wanted to say that your blog made me really re-think alot of stuff and how poeple shouldnt judge others by just a passing glance or a story they heard, so thanks for the good blogs and showing me that maybe we all really do think the same way...we just dont show it... *Heres A Toast To All Those Who Hear Me All Too Well..*