Wednesday, February 2

I'm Grounded On Sunday, Btw

"what do you mean you didn’t wash the dishes?"

"mom, i was home sick today. i figured i'd just wash them tomorrow, when i went back to school and everything, just start everything up again tomorrow.”

"well you were healthy enough to put makeup on!"

"yeah!... oookk..."

"you sounded just like your father when you said that."

"are you trying to be offensive mom? because i love dad, and sounding just like him is fine by me! at least he knew how much of a complete knob you are!"

"there you go again! you're the spitting image of him katelyn! you always have to be rude and have the final word."

"you're the spitting image of the devil !!!"

(and that's how i came to be grounded ... again)


Anonymous said...

ooo Kat, harsh very harsh, I'm a little nervous that this sickness has gotten to your head and made you miserable, het better soon hun!

Anonymous said...

Don't agree totally with Joe. I don't like the idea of throwing dad into the picture, comparing him to the kid. Just because the mom was mad at the daughter and has grudges against the dad, that is the mom's problem, not the daughters.
You go girl!