The C.I.A. Scandel
Tonight, after deciding that it would be a "girl's night", me and Amy walked down to the Plaza to buy some hair dye. While we walked down Tartan Street, we noticed there were four police cars/ambulances/fire cars in front of one of the town houses. We stood for a while to see what was going on and saw two men wearing sunglasses emerge from the house with matching black trenchcoats. My immediate thoughts were...C.I.A. or....M.I.B.
We left rather quickly before they started following us on our "mission" for a better hair color. The walk to the Plaza was long and cold, but it held a treasure at the end of the journey. We found a beautiful shade of brown for Amy's hair, we also found a pretty kick ass pink cellphone shaped arm chair. The price tag either read 4.00$ or 40.00$ or 400.00$, but the writting was too hard to decifer. Thus we had to engage in smooshing our faces against the glass to see better as the store was closed. I see now that that was only an excuse to examine our retinas. The C.I.A. was following us the whole time, even turning off streetlights to make it easier for our assasination.
While we were walking home, it now being quite late and our fingers and toes quite cold, we heard a car go by with people yelling out of it. A few minutes later the car came back and pulled up to the side of the street asking us if we knew how to get to the Aquatic Centre. I thought that was a bit bizarre, the driver, a boy no older then eighteen and his three passengers of the same approximative age, said they were from New York and had heard that the Aquatic Centre was a "pretty rocking place." The first thing I thought when I heard "New York" was "George Bush" and then the thoughts, "Take me to your leader," were close to follow. We chatted for a while, I'm pretty sure the convo went like this:
Driver: So, do you guys live around here?
Us: Yeah, just right up the street.
Driver: Is it a good neighbborhood?
Us: Yeah, it's ok. Once you get farther up that way the houses are really nice and big. But don't go too far that way or they'll get really poor and shabby.
Driver: Yeah, i think we might have gone a bit too far down there, we were like HOLY SHIT, it was like being in the Bronx or something....
Us: Hahah, yeah stay away from there and don't go too far south either. That's not a good place.
Driver: What's bad down there?
Us: Oh, just a bunch of wiggers. All g-united out walking around in da hood with their crack.
Driver: Oh yeah
Driver: So do you guys live in a nice big house?
Us: Haha! No! we live in town houses and apartments right up the street, we're north end!
Driver: Oh, well we're going to go swimming at the Aquatic centre then
Us: Swimming?! It's like late at night! It's only open in the day! like 12-4
Driver: Well that's gay. Ever been to the big apple before?
Us: No! (secretly thinking, "No, wanna take me?!")
Us: well have a good stay! welcome to saint john!
Driver: Ok, thanks for the help.
Ok, I said I'm pretty sure it went like that, I'm not positive.
After we walked away we realized we should have offered to hop in the car with them and drive around to show them around, then we could become thier best friends and go and visit them in New York all the time and summer together in Cali.
But by the time we got back to Tartan Street and noticed that the cop cars were gone, we figured it all out. The C.I.A. is after me for all this trash talking I've been doing about Bush. They're trying to arrest me now, and Amy, my accomplice. Talking to the New Yorker's was only a deverison while they came up behind us and plucked our hairs for testing. And the cops were planting microphones and cameras all over Amy's house while we were gone. I tell ya, we've got this all figured out.
Or maybe our imaginations are just a tad too active on a Friday Night.
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