Tuesday, January 4

Anti-Bush Petition.

Today while I was waitting in the market on my lunch break to meet up with Amy, Levi, Dylan and Mike a man approached me to sign the anti-missile petition. When I asked him to explain it he said that it was pretty much anti-bush. He got a bit confusing in the details so I just started nodding and mmm hmm-ing. I signed it of course, being as anti-war and bush as I am, but afterwards I stopped to ponder what I had really signed...

How can a petition being signed by people in a little town of Saint John, in a little province like New Brunswick make any difference on the world's pressing matters? How can my signature change things? America, you screwed us over by voting that asshole back in, now we're fucked for another four years. But no, we're going to try and change things by petitions! See, the thing that bothers me was Canada had no say in it in the first place, but we're stuck being your "neighbors" and going along with what the All-Powerful Bush tells us to.

In the words of Jessy, "The only Bush I trust is my own."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kat, you must realize one thing about petitions. if you sign it yea, thats only one singature. but then you might tell 2 people to go and sign it. then those 2 people tell 2 people and then so on and so forth which is really how it works. by the end, the have thousands of signatures across the country and get the original point across. just wanted to point that out. good writing