Monday, November 22

My thoughts. (The UN-EDITED version.)

Hmm, where to begin. Too many crazy thoughts, not enough time.

Thought #1. - Why do people always laugh at others who are in the same situation as them? Is it human nature? Or just our own thoughts of how things should be and always thinking that we are far superieur then our peers?

Thought #2. - Why do people who can't speak french always just add é to then end of everything and think they've created a word?! (Ex. Je go-é a la store-é to buy-é a pop-é.)

Thought #3. - When did people stop saying Peace Out?!?!?!?!!?

Thought #4. - Why, when i think i'm saying something right intelligent do people still laugh? Why can't they hold thier breath or plug their noses or something? Why must the burst my confidence bubble?!?!

Thought #5. - Is there such a thing as simple twists of fate? Is it possible that one little action you've made in your life can affect everything else that will happen from now until the day you die?! (God, Im scared.)

Thought #6. - Is the Pigman really Michael Jackson? I wouldn't be surprised.

Thought #7. - Hitler, dead or alive?

Thought #8. - Is it better to not talk to some one then to be "just friends"?


Thought #10. - What would Joe look like with a blonde wig on??

Thought #11. - What did that gay pride float have to do with christmas?!

Thought #12. - Why do people always want to help you when first the need to help themselves?

Thought #13. - Why is it sometimes best to bite your tongue? If you have something to say, say it! Don't be afraid of what people think.

Thought #14. - Why is everything in life a race? Race to the end, race for who kissed first, race to loose our virginity....why not a race to see who can die first?! Huh? Let's race to DIE!

Thought #15. - Why do i have soo much to say and only so many people to talk to? It's not fair sometimes that people don't want to hear my ideas.

Ive got to go thought, time for a break. Ttyl kat

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