Friday, September 10

Esse Quam Videri, To Be Rather Then To Seem...

So true. It is better to be something then to seem like you are. This is a lesson you learn every day at Saint Malachy's. To be rather then to seem.
The school's own motto. Maybe it should take a leaf out of it's own book. Maybe it should BE the school it tries to seem like.
I wanted to come here so bad. I made the big fuss. I told everyone they were losers to go to sjhs. I seemed rather then be.
But now i want to be. I want to be the energetic enthousiastic school-spirited student that im trying so hard to seem like. I want to be just as proud to be a saint.
This is something im going to have to live with, my choices, seeming reckless at first, will be with me now for the rest of my four years at high school.
Esse Quam Videri...Vita Vitalis...what does it matter anymore?

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