Sunday, September 5

Back to School...

Unfortuantely, like all good things, summer has come to an end. And sent us all on our ways to new begininnings, breaking out from the crowd and going our seperate ways.
Which is what we're all doing this year. I never though high school could come soon enough. It seems only yesterday i was in grade four wishing with all my heart that i could be like those grade sevens. And now i'm wishing with all my heart that i could be that grade fourer again.
This is the year that all new things will begin. We will meet new people, and lose old friends. We will form new bonds of trust and be mislead and backstabbed by others. We will be shocked by some people's actions and admirative of others. All of our lasting friendships will be tested.
And we will all be divided. No matter which school we go to, even the strongest bonds and friendships will change. We all want to promise that nothing will change and that we will always be friends for ever. But things do change.
Take the Six Chicks for example. I seem to remember some promises there. "We'll always be best friends," "Six Chicks for life!" "I'll call you every day!" "We're so hanging out like every day this summer..."
And now i look at the six chicks and just see six girls, who couldn't be more different right now. I used to feel like i was better off because we were so lucky to have five other best friends, but now i wonder if we were just saying six chicks to put on a mask of security.
The six chicks will be split up between two different schools, two different languages. About six months ago i never thought i would say it.
But then again about six months ago i never thought i'd be saying many of the thngs ive been saying this summer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Baabs! I was so surprised to see that comment from you! And i totally agree with everything you just said. When we talk now, even if we do, i feel like i know nothing about you anymore. We did let our friendships all fall apart. But now i feel like it's too late. I feel that if i were to call you up now it would be awkward. We don't have much to talk about anymore except for our memories. I feel like that's what the six chicks are now. I will always consider myself one and you, you will ALWAYS be Baabs. (Even if it sometimes looks like "boobs") But my point being this. I think of graduation four years down the road and all i want to see is the PES crew there in our robes throwing our hats in the air. I sit in class and i listen to people talk and laugh about memories and remebers when's. I wish i had that.Like even if i had camdon or like the biggest nerd in my class ever, i wish i just had one pes'r. then i'd feel like i still had a hold on you guys. But i feel you floating away, drifting into new friendships and new insiders and new traditons. I miss it all soo much!! anything and everything will make me remeber you all.
My point being i can't imagine life without you guys, but it seems liek it's already begun.
And i miss you and i'm sorry for anyhting that has come between us.