Tuesday, December 21

The Chronicles of Narnia

Ok, so last night we all decide at around six that we're going on an adventure. Actually it was supposed to be a snowball fight in the first place, but you know how things tend to get out of hand.

We started by piling on layers and mittens, stealing my sisters sled, and heading up towards the hill. By the time me, Amy, Mike and Levi got to the top, it was around sunset. To one side of the hill, you could see sun and lights from the city, on the other, pure darkness. We walked towards the darkness.

Now, the hill is pretty high up and secluded. It's really just a really big stretch of forest elevated, behind all the apartments and townhouses around my neighborhood. It's also covered in snow right now, a lot of it, and it was dark.

Levi and Mike took of pretty fast to the hill to start sledding and kidding around, while me and Amy struggled to gain our balance instead of repeatedly falling down. After a while though, they tired of sledding and we decided to take a walk into the woods.

By now, we were walking straight into the darkness with only a small indented path to guide us. There were no footprints, no trails, and it was very dark and frightening with the huge tress covered in snow and the sounds that came with being in the woods. When we got along the path a bit, we saw deer. Of course Mike and Levi our "protectors" ran off to scare them away, but me and Amy got all freaked out thinking there might be bears and she took a stick to protect herself.

By now, we've been walking for about a good half an hour straight away from my house, when I realized something. Everything looked exactly how I had imagined the chronicles of narnia to look, had they have made a better movie out of it. I asked if anyone had seen the Chronicles of Narnia and Levi said he had. Then we ended up getting all freaked out, it really did seem like a movie.

Into the woods, out of the wardrobe...

Mike, our leader, led us even farther into the woods, and after a while we came upon a rock the size of an average house. It was huge, and rather eerie looking, the way it was only covered in snow on one side. We named it The Rock Two and decided that it would be a good landmark to help us find our way back.

Me and Levi were still talking about how this was like the Chronicles of Narnia. I then realized that there were four of us, two girls and two boys just like the book. I told Levi he could be Edmund, the youngest and whiney one, and he complained about it just like Edmund would have. Amy was Lucy, I was Susan and Mike was Peter, our leader. Mike even had the sled like a shield and everyone had a stick like a sword for protection.

We came to the bottom of a huge hill at one time in the night. The hill and the way the snow was and the trees made it all look like one big face. The face was starring straight at us. When i first noticed it i thought i was seeing things, but everyone else thought it looked like one too. Mike then led us straight off the path and into the woods. It was so scray and eerie, you had to duck to avoid beeing hit in the face by tree branches laden with snow. The whole scenery was a gray-y black-y white color. We came to a little river/stream that we had to take a running jump at. On the other side of that was a bunch of trees, arranged in a way with the snow and branches that it looked like a roof to a whole little city or something. I was half expecting something crazy and hairy to jump out at me.

By now Mike was scared too, so we all turned around and folowed our footprints home. It seemed so much faster going home then getting there and by the time we got back to my house, it didn't even seem like we'd been there at all. It was like a dream almost. And going back into my house was like stepping back into the wardrobe.

The little fawn was following us the whole time....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey kat, what a nite, That was hilarious!Mike is definitaly the best leader of all ahaha. the rock two is wayyy better than the one down at teed... mann the face!!haha funny how it was just a bunch of bushes hehe. Mike just had to go and make that scary noise eh?... and levi said someone was fallowing us.. oh but there was...Jumping over the stream was great... funny how no body fell into the water!!what good luck we must have eh?... haha love christmas spirit day!!the cookies were sick... well not the second batch... and the real friends movie was hilarious... they didn't even do anything!!

Love, Mike Amy Levi & Partially Dylan MUAH!!!!!!!!!