Thursday, September 30


Advice for the homeless man-Stay away from Tom. He seriously will kick you.

Advice for M. Garey-When me and Jess come into class "crying" with a "family emergency" we were definately NOT at Jungle Jim's.

Advice for Guiliano-Tom is not gay and does not enjoy you clinging off of him in gym class. And you stink, get some deodorant.

Advice for Ben-Ask me out again pretending to be Tom and I'll kick your ass! Oh and sorry for standing you up for lunch,sniff sniff, I had a family emergency.

Advice for Todd-Stop asking me out as friends!!!!

Advice for K-he lies, He Lies, HE LIES!!

Advice for Mme. Vaughan.-You're ugly. Get a face job and do SOMETHING about your damn hair.

Advice for R-Being different makes you better then the everyday.

Advice for A-Looking like a gum cube is never good.

Advice for M-Never forget. Your memories will bring you closer to your goal then you can ever imagine.

Advice for J-Perverts are not looked kindly upon. Unless it's you.

Advice for Chris-Football pants in gym are NOT normal...but funny.

Advice for everyone close to me-Loving me is not a good thing. I break hearts.

If you would like some advice of your own...leave a comment


Anonymous said...

no advice for me i see...? *sniff sniff* lol jk!

~J~ said...

I was reading your blog, and you gave some great advice. Stuff I've never considered before... May I have some advice too? I'm looking for a guy worth the effort.

k. said...

Hey J...Welcome to my blogg!!! (It's quite addivtice I've been told)
Here is my advice for you. Although some relationships should have a bit of work included you shouldn't have to find a guy that's worth the effort. You should be finding a guy that wants to make the effort for you! Depending on where you live and your age, i might be able to set you up with quite a few amazing guys i know!! but if that doesn't work out you can always just do what i do. wish Orlando Bloom had enough copies to go around.

~J~ said...

Thank you for answering so promptly. I prefer to meet online first... Know anyone?

k. said...

Oh gosh i know so many nice guys....i can't even name them all. but it really depends on your age, and what kind of guy you want...but if you don't want to put that on my blogg, just email me at

~J~ said...

I am 25. Know any guys around that age?

k. said...

I have a lot of very hot greek cousins around that age and family but no friends that old...i can definately get you some emails though...give me a day or too first.

p.s. this is taking too long writting back and forth on here so if you have msn just add me and we can talk there

vincent said...

what do you mean you don't have any friends that old?? I see how it is now. lol.

~J~ said...

Sorry, I don't have MSN. I guess this will have to do...

Know any black men? Greek really isn't my thing... (I'm kind of picky-- which is why I asked for advice in the first place :) )

k. said...

Hey!!! i just meant that i don't usually hang out with people that much older then me...and the ones that i do arent single. but i have family that old
And J, I actually DO no this great black guy. He's funny...and hjas a lot to say...and i know for a fact he's looking for a girl, although he wants his to try out condoms if this sunds good to you tell me and i'll give you his blogg adress...who knows?! maybe it'll all work out.

~J~ said...

He sounds interesting. At least worthy of reading his blog... What's the address?
Is he old enough? I don't want to get arrested for messing with a teenage boy...

k. said...

No, he's a good five years older then you..he might even live by you too...i think you might actually already know each other...but i'll give it to you anyways...
It's a great blogg!!

~J~ said...

Thanks. Going there now.